Sunday, July 19, 2009

Johnnycake Jog Race Report and Ultra Marathon training week in review: WEEK 8

I have mixed feelings in regards to this race. On one hand, I should be happy that I got a new PR for my 5 mile time. On the other hand, I am frustrated on not placing at all! Last year I ran the jog in 37 minutes 22 seconds and got 2nd place in my age group. This year, I completely trumped that time and ran the jog in 34 minutes 26 seconds! While pleased with my time I am rather disheartened that I did not place. To do so much better, work so much harder and....... sigh. My son however gave me a few words of wisdom after seeing my gloomy look. He scolded me using my own words! "Now mom, you know how you always tell me it doesn't matter what place you came in as long as you did your best and accomplish the goal you have set for yourself." Awwwww shucks. So, I stopped pouting. Nothing like a kid to whip you into shape. Thanks kiddo. On the flip side I am glad that there's no more tacking extra miles onto my running days just to get an extra rest day. I ended this week with 2 bruised toes and blisters on all toes except my big toes and pinkies. Along with that came the not so funny fact that for some reason I kept stubbing my little piggies on anything and everything Friday. Ouch!

Monday's training didn't start as I had planned. I got pretty frustrated actually. At mile 6 1/2 my power went out while running. Nothing like a treadmill shutting off mid run! Fumbling my way trough the dark at 3-something in the morning was not my plan! As every minute went by I kept waiting with my shoes on. I crawled back into bed with my tennies on waiting for the power to come back on! It didn't. I was grumbling for a bit while getting ready for work. I do not like to run at night. The reason why I get up at 2 a.m. is because I do not want to take away from family time - and now I had to run my leftover miles when I got home. Before I left for work I wised up though. Thinking that here I am, complaining because I can't run - but wait. It's not rainy or windy out. The weather is perfect. Maybe just maybe the reason that the power was out is because, god forbid - someone hit a pole. And here I was complaining that I had to run ONE DAY when I got home from work. Yeah that put things into perspective - so I stopped whining. One more frustrating thing about this week: My treadmill (my 9 month old treadmill) keeps shutting off. First it was doing it at 10 mph. So I took it down to 9. Then after one day - shut off at 9. Thursday - shut off at 8 1/2 mph. Those of you who know me know that this is a replacement treadmill - I got this one after my treadmill with a lifetime warranty collapsed while I was running on it. Previous treadmills have suffered various fates - some caught on fire, some I have put crushing holes in. Now troubles with this brand. Pretty soon the company is going to blacklist me. I am holding back in calling them again, but I won't wait too long. On a happier note, I have one more donor for UNICEF! Jill Earle of Ohio. Thanks so much, and don't forget to donate everyone!

Here is this week's breakdown:

Sunday: Sunrise Run, 5 miles
Monday: 6.5 miles/treadmill, 100 sit ups, weights a.m.; 2 miles at lunch; 6.5 miles treadmill, evening
Tuesday: 15 miles/treadmill, 100 sit ups, weights a.m.; 2 miles at lunch
Wednesday: 13 miles/treadmill, 100 sit ups, weights a.m.; 2 miles at lunch
Thursday: 15 miles/treadmill, 100 sit ups, weights a.m.; 2 miles at lunch
Friday: off
Saturday: off

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